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  • Writer's pictureWoody Moran

How To Become A Namba Gear Featured Artist

Namba Gear wants to help the musicians that are buying our products promote themselves and their music, so we would like to feature you (and/or your band) right here on our Front page and in our Artists archive.

Here’s the deal. Send us a photo of you with your Namba Gear bag(s), included along with your bio, website address, new projects, and most importantly… What you like best about your Namba Gear bag or backpack. You know, how cool it is and how your Namba bag allows you to take everything you need with you; not to mention your improved skin tone, hair color and sex life!

For those who like things in a convenient list:

DJ Logic

1. Photo of yourself with your Namba Gear bag.2. Bio3. Website URL4. Any New Projects5. What you like best about your Namba Gear bag.

Send this email package directly to me at

We’ll post your photo & info as our featured artist right here to help direct new fans to your web site and give you some exposure to potential new fans. There is a ton of fantastic new music, much of it independent, that is just waiting to be discovered & enjoyed.

This is just our little part of sharing great music. If you have read some of our earlier posts about how we got our name, then you’ll understand when we say this is sort of our equivalent of the South Pacific custom of sharing a shell of kava and exchanging a whale’s tooth.

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